Booking Your Email Name Now


Mau coba nulis pake bahasa inggris. Mohon ripiunya Master2 sekalian

:mrgreen: <=== jus jeruk

Yahoo has been released it’s new mail server. Yahoo provided a new mail server name with suffix address name rocketmail ( n ymail ( So, this is a good news, coz it’s u’r chance to got your realy wanted email address name (in Yahoo). Hurry up for sign up before somebody else take “your place”.

I’ve done for it. I got How about yours?

Okey. If u already registered and has an account on it, sometimes you’ve got problem when you trying to login into it. Don’t forget to write down the suffix mail address name in the sign in box, not just only your new ID.

( Gimana, bener gak bahasa inggrisnya?? :wowcantik: )


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