Extending Battery Duration on Ubuntu Jaunty

I admit that Ubuntu Jaunty running well on my Compaq CQ40-337TU, except a small problem for sound device (already fixed). All devices work properly, VGA with 3D effects, WiFi device, webcam, optical drive, synaptic pointer, etc. But I notice one thing, the battery consumption with Jaunty is very bad.

I search in “Mbah Google” about this problem, and found many solution to extending battery life duration.

  • Adjust your desktop appearance without sophisticated effect (include 3d effect, which also have a same problem on Vista). This effect is cool, but it consuming too much electricity on VGA card.
  • Decreasing your display brightness into lowest level. I can still have a clear view on laptop LCD using the lowest level brightness.
  • Adjust CPU voltage into power save mode. If you hate to edit any script configuration, you can install kpowersave to easily adjust this configuration (monitor brightness also can be adjusted with this tools). Put kpowersave to always run when Ubuntu started first time.
  • Install powertop apps. This app will suggest you about the best way to lowering voltage consumption based on your hardware usage.

After doing those tweak, I got 3 hour battery life (before doing it, I only got 2 hour). Kpowersave and powertop are available on Ubuntu repository. Btw, Ubuntu has it default power management tools (gnome power manager), so I disabling it before installing kpowersave. I prefers to choose kpowersave since it had more integrated configuration setting.

I’m waiting for your response. Please give me another suggestion to tweak battery consumption on Linux, I still find another great way about doing this. Go green Indonesia.

Tulisan ini dibuat untuk menyukseskan Lomba Blog Open Source P2I-LIPI dan Seminar Open Source P2I-LIPI 2009.


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