Making a Looks-like Website with WordPress

The first CMS I know is WordPress. That’s why I’m in love with this CMS. With this CMS, I can make a website. People rather to use Joomla CMS for making a website, but I prefers to choose WordPress (because I love it).

How to make a website with WordPress, meanwhile WordPress it self is only a blogging platform? Well, we must knowing the website principle character (sotoy mode ON). Usually, I tweak my WordPress site with this step.

  1. Do not use personal themes on your site, that’s really native blogging. Use the elegant one.
  2. Make a static page as your front page site. Sticky function on WordPress is great way to do this.
  3. A blog usually have a long front page. Avoid using a long page style.
  4. Delete your comment function on your themes. I believe a website did not need comment form, except for journaling section.
  5. Add a favicon into your site (people will think that’s professional)

Using a WordPress as a site have many benefit. (1) If you developing somebody’s site, I believe your client need a simple way to update their site. With WordPress, they can simply do that, (2) Automatic update built-in feature making easy job for developer to securing their sites, (3) With WordPress, managing company brand on internet is easy. With all-in-one SEO pack plugin, WordPress is a great CMS for tweaking your company SEO, (4) Etc.

If you asking where’s my WordPress site, you can see one of those in here. I believe you have another opinion about this. I’m a just a newbie who love to learn. You can share it by leaving some comment bellow.


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