Netbook 1 Million Rupiah (100$), From Indonesia

You don’t have to wait for OLPC (one laptop per child) project come to Indonesia to buy 1 million rupiah netbook. PT Elevo Technologies Indonesia is the first company in Indonesia, which producing this cheap netbook. This super cheap netbook series will launched on August 2010.

It will come in two series, R7 (998.000 Rupiah) and R10 (1.398.000 Rupiah). What makes its so cheap? Well according to product detail, this netbook has reduce it’s hardware and software cost usage, and optimizing it for office and application suit. So what’s the product specification?

Elevo R7
Elevo R10
ARM9 533Mhz
ARM9 533Mhz
128 MB
128 MB
2GB Nand Flash
2GB Nand Flash
7 inci (800 x 480)
10 inci (800 x 480)
Wifi 802.11b/g
USB to Ethernet (Optional)

Wifi 802.11b/g
Ethernet LAN RJ 45


2 USB Port
Touch Pad
2-in-1 SD Card
USB to VGA (Optional)

2 USB Port
Touch Pad
2-in-1 SD Card
USB to VGA (Optional)
Camera 1,3Mpx

Windows CE 6.0 or Android
Windows CE 6.0 or Android

A little review from me. Well, seems you must buy USB to VGA peripheral to connect this netbook to a projector. If you weren’t familiar with Windows CE OS, maybe it’s difficult to add some desktop application, or becoming an open source revolusiner by using Android OS (yai). The small storage and memory device must be considered since this netbook general purpose for office and browse internet. You can upgrade it by buying another bigger peripheral.

Source (cek TeKaPeh)


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