AVG AntiVirus dan Illuminati
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Everybody know the most popular Free AntiVirus, the AVG free antivirus. It offers free services of AntiVirus protection for home users. In CNET™ (www.cnet.com), we can see a statistic which Antivirus most downloaded. AVG free reach 322,781,852 total downloads, meanwhile Avira Antivir (free) reach 109,347,254 and Avast Free Antivirus reach 115,006,819 of total downloads.
And this is the bloated size file of AVG installer, about 135MB. Meanwhile, the competitors size only less half, Avira 57MB and Avast 52MB.
Running the installer on your machine, and you’ll get this picture illustration.
find something suspicious from the illustration image installer above? I crop it so you can understand what I mean.
Yap, this is it. The Illuminati sign, the all seeing eye 😯 . You can compare it with this
And what’s the product offer to you as free service?
The Yahoo Toolbar 😈 . Yahoo = Microsoft
What is Illuminati all about?
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